Now, relating this equation to the money machine, it is obvious that the latter enters directly into the demand factor only. 现在,将这一方程式与货币机制相关联,很明显,后者直接与需求因素相对应。
And the demand factor, expressed in the financial resources of the world, divides itself into two parts: the aggregate of cash available and the credit available. 而需求因素,在财政资源中分为两部分:可用现金与可用信贷的总量。
The essential factors playing a key role in the management system include cost factor, income factor and demand factor and, by means of judgment of objectives, the objective the system sh. 经目标评判得出集装箱收益管理系统要达到的目标是利润最大化和托运人满意度最大化。
Front-end equipment can be selected, designed and planned basing on this demand factor if capacity of new customers is known. 知道新上用户的容量,根据用系数为前端设备的选择、设计、规划提供依据。
Part three analyzes factors of limiting the development of commercial medical insurance market, including demand factor, supply factor and policy factor. 第三部分分析制约我国商业医疗保险发展的因素,包括需求方面的因素、供给方面的因素、制度方面的因素等。
Influence technical support supplies and demand factor multitudinous, these factors are different to the technical application influence size. 影响技术支持供给和需求的因素众多,这些因素对技术应用的影响大小不同。
Combine to the above, I consider that the motivation sustains to the future agriculture developing to the region agriculture, except the market demand factor, depends on four innovations mainly. They are technological innovation, organizational innovation, structural innovation and system's innovation. 结合上述特点,认为支持未来农业发展及增长的动力,除市场需求因素外,对区域农业而言,主要依靠四个创新,即:科技创新、组织创新、结构创新、制度创新。
Porter studied the national competitiveness and posted the structure of "Diamond System", including production factor, demand factor, relevant supportive industries, enterprise structure, strategy and competition. 针对这个主题,提出钻石体系的分析架构,并且认为可能会加强本国企业创造竞争优势的因素包括:生产要素、需求状况、相关和支持产业、企业战略、结构和同业竞争。
On this basis, this paper makes an analysis by demonstrating the achievements gained since China adopted a pro-active fiscal policy in 1998 and emphasizes that the anti-cycle nature of pulling up economic growth by taking investment as a demand factor is a short-term reform measure under particular conditions. 在此基础上,对中国1998年以来实施积极财政政策的效果进行了实证分析,阐明了运用基础设施投资支出流量拉动经济增长的逆周期性质,应当是在短期内特定条件下运用的短期政策。
The decisive nature of the demand factor 教育是造成差异的决定性因素。需求因素决定论
Using Michael Porter's theory of "National competitive Advantages", the paper analyzes Chinese auto industry from following six aspects: factor supply, demand factor, supportive industries, structure and competition of enterprise, opportunities, governmental policies. 本文就根据波特的钻石体系,归纳出生产要素供给、需求条件、相关产业支持、企业结构和产业竞争状况、经济发展面临的机遇、政府政策等六个方面的因素对我国汽车产业进行分析。
In order to promote transmission investment, regulator should change the policy tools, introduce the supply and demand factor, make the utility function into the balance definition, and constitute elastic and believable policy. 为了促进电网投资均衡,实现社会福利最大化,规制机构应该用效用函数重新定义投资均衡,将供求均衡状况因素引入投资回报率规制政策中,制定和执行弹性而可信的规制政策。
The essential relation between the three decision variables ( capacity, price and sold inventory) and passenger demand factor is discussed. 讨论了容量、价格和销售数量三个决策变量与市场需求要素之间的关系;
Research on the Dynamic Equivalence between Economic Growth and Demand Factor Growth in Yunnan Province 云南经济增长与各需求因素增长的动态均衡关系研究
But in fact, structure factor, demand factor and regulation factor are the major factors which determine economic growth step by step. 事实上,结构因素、需求层面和调控层面对经济增长的决定作用越来越居于主导地位。
Result: I found through research that 1, the mental structure of primary school students 'competition consist of six dimensions: Study factor, living demand factor, Community position factor, desire of power factor, specialty factor and factor of honor; 结果:通过研究发现:1、小学生竞争的心理结构包括六大维度:学习因子、生活需要因子、群体地位因子、权利欲因子、专长因子和荣誉因子;
There are many factors that will affect the choice of the independent audit control patterns, while the decisive one is the supply and demand factor. 影响独立审计监管模式选择的因素有很多,但决定性的是独立审计供求的经济因素。
The inventory decision has been affected by many factors, which include price factor, cost factor, demand factor, and the relation between the products. 库存决策受到了很多因素的影响:包括价格因素、成本因素、需求量因素、产品之间的关联因素等。
Exactitude comprehension of credit derivatives helps to understand its financial efficiency and its administrative levels. Microcosmic financial efficiency is its demand factor, and magnificent financial efficiency is its supply factor. 微观金融效率是信用衍生品的需求要素,而中观、宏观金融效率则是其供给要素,并且政府在考虑是否提供信用衍生品制度时,主要考虑其宏观金融效率及其实现。
The research indicates that there is Balassa-Samuelson effect in RMB, and that productivity is the main decisive factor affecting the long-term trend of exchange rate in eastern area, while the exchange rate in mid-west depends on demand factor. 研究表明人民币中确实存在Balassa-Samuelson效应,东部地区汇率的长期趋势的主要决定因素是生产率,而中西部的汇率主要决定于需求因素。
The paper points out the defect in defining the load with the demand factor and binomial factor, puts forward the applicational conditions and the questions to be paid attention to, and gives a new formula. 指出供电设计中现有需用系数法和二项式系数法负荷计算方法存在的问题,提出了采用两种方法的应用条件和应注意问题,给出了一种新的补充算法。
This paper conducts an analysis on the effect of infrastructure investment flow as a demand factor on economic growth. 研究分析了基础设施投资流量对经济增长的作用机制。
Through factor analysis, 7 potential factors of impelling potential consumers into realistic consumers are discovered, which include environment factor, demand factor, related factor, experience factor, support factor, interest factor, viewing and admiring factor, respectively. 通过因子分析,提取了促使潜在消费者成为现实消费者的7个潜在因子,分别为环境因子、需求因子、关联因子、体验因子、支持因子、兴趣因子、观赏因子等。
Credit system has also the supply and demand factor, and it really works in social field. So its study is not only important theoretically, but also practically. 信用制度也有其供给和需求,并且在社会领域中也发挥着重要的作用,对其研究不仅在理论上极其必要,在我国实践领域也具有极强的现实意义。
Secondly, the possible and mature social background which brings about our industrial cluster. This includes some necessary factors: system factor, historical and cultural factor, condition factor and demand factor etc. Thirdly, it shows three major types of industrial cluster. 其次,介绍我国产业集群产生的条件,包括:制度因素、历史文化因素、要素条件和需求条件。
At first, five main factors influencing crude oil price are extracted, which are named supply factor, demand factor, stock factor, economy factor and finance factor. 首先提炼出影响国际油价的五大主要因素&供给因素,需求因素,库存因素,经济因素,金融因素。
Note that the user demand factor is dynamic during the process of allocation. 在分配过程中,用户的需求因子是动态变化的。
Future research needs to make up for the shortage of samples, further validation of a questionnaire for universality, control some may affect uniform demand factor, such as geography, school. 未来的研究需弥补样本不足的缺陷,进一步验证问卷的普遍性,对一些可能会影响校服需求的因素,如地域、学校等加以控制。
Analysis shows that: market demand factor and capital investment factor play a great role, the lagged tourism enterprises restricts the improving of the competitiveness of international trade in tourism services. 分析表明:市场需求因素与资本投入因素作用很大,落后的旅游企业制约了黑龙江省国际旅游服务贸易竞争力的提高。
When dynamic R& D competition is in a stable state, there will be a optimal market demand factor which can make the duopoly equilibrium profit biggest while the input level and balanced output get lager with the demand factor getting bigger. 当动态RD竞争处于稳定状态时,存在某一最优市场需求影响因子,可使得双寡头均衡利润最大,而双寡头均衡RD投入水平和均衡产量则随市场需求影响因子的增大而增大。